Should the police be allowed to keep people in cells temporarily due to ‘immigration purposes’?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Should the police be allowed to keep people in cells temporarily due to ‘immigration purposes’?
0 voters
No the fear this would install is horrific it cruel unjust they should be allowed to plead their case.
Tory Govt are Racist
Police cells are for holding people who are being accused of a crime from where they will either go to court or be released with or without charge. Immigrants are not processed via police cells and the police do not process immigrants that is the job of the home office and should remain that way. It is frightening enough for immigrants who have made their way here through dangerous and difficult journeys without us locking them up in a police cell without support or those holding them having extensive immigration law knowledge.
If it were not for the UK government selling munitions and weapons systems (m&w) and used, there would be no need for people to leave their lives and homes as they are bombed out of existence. The irony for the refugees is that the vast majority are ignorant of the act that it was UK weapon systems delivering the munitions that have killed members of their families. Theresa May sold £16bn worth of m&w to Saudi Arabia for them to dispense them in The Yemen and gave £1m to The Yemen in aid.