Changing your account details

This forum operates as a separate website from our “main site” at

If you are a paying member of The Ferret, or a member of The Ferret Underground, and you want to update your account details like name, email address, phone number or address, you can do that by following these steps:

  1. Login to The Ferret at: https:://

  2. Go to the Account page: Login

The account page

On this page you can see your key membership information, such as your current plan, your email address, and your name.

You can update the details we have about you at any time using the Personal Information form on this page.

You can update your marketing preferences at any time using the Contact and Marketing preferences form on this page.

You can also access your payment account should you wish to update your payment method.

If you need to manage another aspect of your account, there is also a contact form at the foot of the account page where you can request more help. Please remember, we’re a small team so although we try to respond quickly, it might be a few days before we get back to you.