Advertising policy
Although The Ferret derives very little money from advertising or sponsored content, it is recognised that advertising managed well can provide incremental revenue for The Ferret. The policy below sets out our policy with regards to advertising and other types of sponsored content.
The Ferret shall always take steps to clearly identify advertising supported content regardless of the platform or media it appears on.
Paying members should not pay twice
Our members have clearly indicated that they would prefer not to be shown adverts. Therefore, wherever possible, The Ferret shall provide an advertising free option of our content for members.
The Ferret shall favour advertising from co-operatives, charities, social enterprises, public information campaigns from governments and any organisation that can show that they have been independently assessed to meet environmental, social and governance standards.
The Ferret shall endeavour not to benefit from advertisers that profit from socially harmful activities.
Our members have explicitly indicated that The Ferret should not benefit from advertising from organisations that profit from arms sales, tobacco sales, human rights breaches, climate pollution, poor animal welfare, gambling, organisations that work with oppressive regimes.
In addition, The Ferret shall not carry party political advertising.
This advertising policy is owned by the Reader Directors of The Ferret, with the support of the wider operations committee.
Where a complaint over advertising is received, or there is ambiguity over whether a particular advertiser meets our ethical advertising policy, Reader Directors shall make a determination.
Adopted 24/02/2021 Last updated 24/02/2021